Expert level team
We have a dedicated team of instructors with some of the highest-levels in the UK. All of whom have extended combined experience in a range of other martial arts and combat sports including BJJ, boxing, Muay Thai and wrestling. By training with us, you can be sure to coached by the best in the field.
We train people, not badges, belts or certificates
Our students come to us because they want to be prepared for real world situations. We don’t believe in awarding someone a grade or level just to give them a false sense of confidence or teaching something that hasn’t been tested as this can be extremely dangerous. Everything we teach has been checked to ensure it works.
Reality-based learning for real situations
Real life violence is messy, unpredictable, and potentially life-threatening. Our teaching methods places building your mental resilience and your fighting skills so you can be both mentally and physically prepared for an ‘anything can happen’ situation.
Be part of a community
Our students and team may come from a range of backgrounds, age and life experiences but we are so much more than a Krav Maga club. We are a community of life-minded people who are here to support each other in our learning and development.
Who are we?
Established in 2006, we're an affiliated member of Krav Maga Global (KMG) led by Chief Instructor Master Eyal Yanilov, and supported by his team of International Instructors based out of Israel and Europe. KMG is active in over 60 countries around the world and is the gold standard of Krav Maga Instructor Training.
Our instructors have all undergone vigorous training certified by KMG and continue their professional develop through training with Eyal Yanilov and his Global Team on a regular basis.

Director & Head Instructor
Expert Level 3
VIP 3rd Party Protection Instructor
Rifle Instructor certified by Sig Sauer Academy USA
Brown Belt BJJ
Boxing and Muay Thai
BTEC Level 3 Self Defence

Graduate Level 2
Boxing & BJJ
BTEC LEVEL 3 Self Defence